Well it's been some time since i've made a blog, wished i had a amazing excuse but in truth i simply haven't bothered. That is something i hope to change this year.
Well we're already well into the new year at this point but i decided to do a overview type of post as despite it's many downs 2016 did have its up for me aswell. For starters i took the plunge and laid down the ground works of my photography by launching a Facebook page and website. I admit the website is a little basic but given my techno failings i didn't want to push my luck too far.
Besides the business side of things last year also gave me a few firsts. I had my first trip to Scotland after many years of saying i'll go and although very brief i did enjoy myself and I am now determined to return. In fact this year i would like to spend some time in Edinburgh and explore that city. I also want to photograph some Scottish wildlife as i didn't really see any on the coach trip.
View from the Steamboat "Sir William Scott" on Loch Katrine.
2016 was also important as i went abroad for the first time!!! A short stop at the Gothic city of Brugge in Belgium and what a city to explore that was. Admittedly i was hoping for the Ice Festival but due to construction works (and damn there was alot going on!!) it was cancelled but i was still able to enjoy the Christmas Markets and the various sights of the city.
A view of the Rozenhoedkaai in the evening (perhaps the most photographed area of the city) and a capture of the impressive Belfrey (sometimes called Belfort) in the main market square.
Definitely left me with a desire to travel more that's for sure!
So my plans for this year? Well first off i wish to become a local tourist and explore more of my local area, this is important to me as when i was picking images for my website i realized i had almost none of the local towns and cities that i frequent. Plus i haven't seen all the local attractions either, so top of my list for this year is building up a decent library of local images.
I also hope to fit in some short excursions for wildlife and events aswell as simply wandering around and seeing new sights. Travel abroad may not happen this year but as i said i do hope to return to Scotland and if possible return to the lakes especially keswick as i really loved it there and do miss it.
So far the year has not gone too well with only a handful of shots, the weather in particular is not helping me but i hope to get out more soon and with luck will have plenty of blog posts this year!!
Take care everyone.
Mist and gloom at Carsington Water.