Wednesday, 25 May 2016

Yorkshire Day trip to Lavender Farm and Beverley

My first day trip by coach!
I headed to up to the eastern coast area of Yorkshire (not all that far from skeggy in fact) to the small garden of the Yorkshire Lavender Farm. Sadly the lavender was not in bloom yet and as such the displays were un-inspiring, a real shame as i would have managed some stunning images with the lavender in bloom.  No worries though as it was still a great looking garden and i managed some decent shots.

After walking round the garden a couple times i spotted some bees and flies, they were already warmed up from the sun (it turned into a very hot day) but i did grab a couple of snaps.

Anyway after the farm we headed to Beverley.
Stunning town to visit! I was soon drawn to a massive building that happened to be the Minster of Beverley! Damn it was big and impressive, so big i couldn't even fit it in frame. May have to get a 10mm lens or something for next time.

An incredible building to say the least and again the size - Incredible! I wanted to check the interior out aswell but there was a wedding taking place so i had to move on. Next time though i'm spending more time with this building.

After that feast for the eyes i found the smaller but still impressive St. Marys church and several other interesting buildings.

The town is incredible for images! But sadly i just ran out of time to keep exploring, i did however check out the local tourist information and bought a book about the history of the town (very interesting read thus far) and also a simple map and a few walk guides. Didn't even get a glimpse of the water way area.
This was a great place to visit and i hope i can return and perhaps spend a full day just wandering and exploring.

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